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Writing for emails

When writing emails, follow the guidelines for plain language.

Emails are often read on mobile devices so brevity and a clear focus on the action you want the user to take are critical. Use structure with headings or bullets to allow for quick scanning.

Pay particular attention to your subject line and front-load the important words (for example, the journal title).

Linking from emails

Use rich text emails. They are more accessible. Always include a plain text version within the email as well. This helps email providers treat our emails correctly.

If there is 1 primary action the email is asking the user to do, consider using a button instead of a link. Buttons in emails should be used sparingly and only for actions.

For more on writing link text, go to our guidelines on links.



Dear Title First name Last name

signature (for system emails)

You do not need to put your team name in system emails.


Kind regards,

Springer Nature

Where it’s important to the user that the journal is identified, it should read:

Kind regards,

Journal of Pharmacology

Springer Nature