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Using personal pronouns makes our writing more human and conversational, in line with our brand values. Use ‘we’ and ‘you’ to talk about Springer Nature and the customer.

Do not label things ‘my’, for example ‘my details’.

Use ‘your details’, ‘your address’ in headers if you need to.


  • confirmation checkboxes
  • headings phrased as questions


  • [ ] I agree to the terms and conditions. I understand you may contact me about my purchase.
  • How do I find my article’s DOI?

Do not use gendered pronouns, for example: he, him, she, her. If you must use a pronoun, use ‘they/them/their’ instead.


Contact the editor if you need help. They can help with any issues.

If possible, try to rephrase your sentence instead.


If you need help with any issues, contact the editor.