Name |
Value |
Description |
$t-a-palette-primary-medium-blue |
#025e8d |
A blue color for the theme |
Name |
Value |
Description |
$t-a-palette-information-red |
#be1818 |
Primary color for the information theme |
$t-a-palette-information-orange |
#f58220 |
Secondary color for the information theme |
$t-a-palette-information-blue |
#0070a8 |
Tertiary color for the information theme |
$t-a-palette-information-green |
#00a69d |
Primary green color for the theme |
Name |
Value |
Description |
$t-a-palette-interaction-hover |
#01324b |
Primary hover color for the theme |
$t-a-palette-interaction-visited |
#785ba7 |
Primary visited color for the theme |
$t-a-palette-interaction-focus |
#0088cc |
Primary focus color for the theme |
Name |
Value |
Description |
$t-a-palette-default-blue-light-400 |
#0088cc |
A blue color for the theme |
$t-a-palette-default-blue-medium-600 |
#0070a8 |
A blue color for the theme |
$t-a-palette-default-blue-medium-700 |
#025e8d |
A blue color for the theme |
$t-a-palette-default-blue-dark-900 |
#01324b |
A blue color for the theme |
$t-a-palette-default-blue-lighter |
#f0f7fc |
A color for the theme |
$t-a-palette-default-blue-light |
#c5e0f4 |
A color for the theme |
$t-a-palette-default-orange-light |
#f58220 |
A Orange color for the theme |
$t-a-palette-default-orange-medium |
#c75301 |
A Orange color for the theme |
$t-a-palette-default-orange-dark |
#b74616 |
A Orange color for the theme (open access) |
$t-a-palette-default-green-light |
#00a69d |
A green color for the theme |
$t-a-palette-default-green-medium |
#007373 |
A green color for the theme |
$t-a-palette-default-purple-medium |
#785ba7 |
A purple color for the theme |
$t-a-palette-default-yellow-medium |
#ffcc00 |
A yellow color for the theme |
$t-a-palette-default-red |
#ff0000 |
A red color for the theme |
$t-a-palette-default-red-medium |
#be1818 |
A red color for the theme |
$t-a-palette-default-greyscale-200 |
#f8f8f8 |
A color for the theme |
$t-a-palette-default-greyscale-300 |
#f3f3f3 |
A color for the theme |
$t-a-palette-default-greyscale-400 |
#dadada |
A color for the theme |
$t-a-palette-default-greyscale-500 |
#999999 |
A color for the theme |
$t-a-palette-default-greyscale-600 |
#666666 |
A color for the theme |
$t-a-palette-default-greyscale-700 |
#555555 |
A color for the theme |
$t-a-palette-default-greyscale-800 |
#222222 |
A color for the theme |
$t-a-palette-default-black |
#000000 |
Primary black color for the theme |
$t-a-palette-default-white |
#ffffff |
Primary white color for the theme |
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If you’ve got a question, idea or suggestion about how to improve this component or guidance, post in the #ask-elements Slack channel.