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System icons


Icons can help users make sense of the interface. Only use an icon when it helps support a user’s understanding or to draw attention to key information.

Use icons to represent:

Actions for the user, such as making a search query.

An example of a search field with a submit button which includes a search icon

Status messages, such as an information update to a service.

An example of a status message which includes an information icon

Meta data, such as a list of publishing metrics.

An example of 4 journal metrics; Impact factor, 5 year impact factor, Submission to decision (median) and Downloads, each prefixed with an icon

Signposting, such as additional services.

An example of two cards containing a text a link, a description and an icon. Both icons positioned on a light blue oval shape


Elements provides icons in SVG format. You can find these under img/icons in the Springer Nature and Nature themes.

Icons are referenced by file path followed by id.

This reference is used in components with the SVG <use> element. For example, the breadcrumbs component includes a chevron icon:

<svg class="c-breadcrumbs__chevron" width="12" height="12" aria-hidden="true" focusable="false">
  	<use xlink:href="path/to/icons/chevron-right.svg#i-chevron-right"></use>

Replace the path in the previous example with the variable from the consumer view model:


Icon library

System icons are designed specifically for interfaces and optimised for use on the web. Icons are assigned to common use cases.

For corporate communication, such as presentations or internal documents, use the brand icon library instead.


All system icons are built by default on a 24 x 24 pixel grid. Selected icons can also be built for additional sizes, using a 32 x 32 or 16 x 16 pixel grid. Icons are drawn for pixel precision and to be legible at small sizes for a variety of screens.

An empty 24 pixel grid, containing a 1px inner padding boundary. Next to it is the same grid with an example of a search icon drawn on top

New icons

Requests for new icons must be made to the UI Design team. UI Designers will review the request before building the icon and adding to the system set.

Make sure you get feedback on the design from UI and UX designers who are working on products that will be using the finished icon. During the review stage, ask for feedback on:

  • can people understand its intended meaning
  • is it recognisable across different screen sizes and resolutions
  • does it look and feel consistent with the rest of the system set

Applying icons

When creating interfaces, only use system icons provided by Elements. Each icon is assigned to represent a concept or idea.

System icons are provided in three standard sizes:

  • medium (24px) is the default size for all icons in the system set
  • large (32px) is for select icons used for signposting
  • small (16px) is for select icons used in some components, such as breadcrumbs

When placing icons next to text, use the spacing token margin-200 (8px).

Be consistent

Use icons consistently when representing concepts. For example, journal alerts and newsletters should use the newsletter icon. Do not use different icons for similar concepts.

Two examples for ‘Do’ and ’Do not’ when using an icon to represent the title ’Sign up for alerts’. The ’Do’ example is using a newsletter icon. The ’Do not’ example uses a bell icon

Use a text label

Use a text label to prevent ambiguity. If there is no text label associated with the icon, add alternative text to describe the icon’s meaning.

Two examples for ‘Do‘ and ‘Do not‘ for using text labels. The ‘Do‘ example shows a menu, search and cart icon with text labels. The ‘Do not‘ example shows the same icons without any text label

Colour usage

Icons SVG’s naturally inherit the colour of the text they are paired with. Do not customise the icon colour, unless the icon is representing a status.

Two examples for ‘Do‘ and ‘Do not‘ when pairing an icon with text. The ‘Do‘ example shows a button with a text label and icon using the same colour. The ‘Do not‘ example shows a button with an icon using a different colour to the text label


Use the standard sizes available for each icon. For example, eds-i-arrow-right-medium. Do not resize an icon to a different size, or to a non-standard size.

Two examples for ‘Do‘ and ‘Do not‘ when using standard sizes for icons. The ‘Do‘ example shows 3 arrow icons sized at 16px, 24px and 32px. The ‘Do not‘ example shows 3 arrow icons sized at 10px, 20px and 40px


Icons can be used to signpost relevant products or services. For text links, use the large size icon (if available) positioned on a 64px oval shape, using the blue-200 colour.

Two examples for ‘Do‘ and ‘Do not‘ when using an icon to signpost a card with the title ‘The journal's call for papers‘. The ‘Do‘ example shows the icon sized at 32px on a light blue oval shape. The ‘Do not‘ example shows the icon sizes at 24px with no background

Use fewer icons

Using icons for every element can clutter the interface, making information hard to find. For example, do not use icons for each piece of information in a list as this can become repetitive.

Two examples for ‘Do‘ and ‘Do not‘ for two card elements which include a title, description and meta data for ‘Publishing model‘ and ‘Submission deadline‘. The ‘Do‘ example shows the card without icons for the meta data. The ‘Do not‘ example shows the card with an icon next to each metata data

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