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Checkboxes let users choose multiple options from a list.


{{> eds-c-checkbox}}

When to use this component

Use the Checkbox component when users need to select 1 or more option from a list.

You can also use the Checkbox to let users turn a single option on or off.

When not to use this component

Do not use checkboxes when users can only choose 1 option. Instead, use the Radios component.

How it works

Place checkboxes to the left of their label. This makes them easy to find, particularly for people using screen magnification.

If you are allowing users to choose more than 1 option, do not assume they will know this. Consider using hint text such as 'Select all that apply'.


To install the components, go to the get started guide for developers.

To use the Checkbox component, enter the following command in your Terminal:

npm install @springernature/elements


First, import the styles of the Form and Input components:

@import '../path/to/@springernature/elements/components/eds-c-form';
@import '../path/to/@springernature/elements/components/eds-c-input';

Then, import the styles of the Checkbox component into your scss file:

@import '../path/to/@springernature/elements/components/eds-c-checkbox';



For more detailed information on how to use the properties correctly, go to the checkbox schema file.

Pass this property to the label object:

"cssClass": "eds-c-checkbox__label"

For more information on the label object, go to the label schema file.

Help improve this page

If you’ve got a question, idea or suggestion about how to improve this component or guidance,
post in the #ask-elements Slack channel.