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Author List

A styled list of comma separated authors with the final author being preceded by an " & ".
The separation strings , , & and ... are set in the CSS using pseudo-elements.

The component can be enhanced, using Javascript, with a toggle button which
expands/truncates the list.



Display a styled list of authors with comma separation

<ul class="c-author-list">
    <li class="c-author-list__item">Author 1</li>
    <li class="c-author-list__item">Author 2</li>
    <li class="c-author-list__item">Author 3</li>
    <li class="c-author-list__item">Author 4</li>
    <li class="c-author-list__item">Author 5</li>

Example output
Author 1, Author 2, Author 3, Author 4 & Author 5



Sets a smaller font-size and line-height on the list.

<ul class="c-author-list c-author-list--compact">...</ul>


Overrides the default & with a ... before the final item in the list.

<ul class="c-author-list c-author-list--truncated">...</ul>

Example output
Author 1, Author 2 ... Author 5

Enhance with a toggle button which expands/truncates the list


<div data-author-list>
    <h3 data-author-list-heading>Authors</h3>
    <ul class="c-author-list">
        <li class="c-author-list__item">Author 1</li>
        <li class="c-author-list__item">Author 2</li>
        <li class="c-author-list__item">Author 3</li>
        <li class="c-author-list__item">Author 4</li>
        <li class="c-author-list__item">Author 5</li>

NOTE: It is down to your application to decide whether or not to have the heading visibly hidden (it needs to be accessible to screen readers).


The authorLists() function is used to initialise all lists present in the

import {authorLists} from '@springernature/author-list/js';

authorLists(/* options */);

For more flexibility you can target an individual author list by using the authorList() function directly:

import {authorList} from '@springernature/author-list/js/author-list';

const myAuthorListContainer = document.querySelector('.my-author-list-container');

authorList(myAuthorListContainer/*, options*/).init();


Option Type Default value Description
headingSelector String '[data-author-list-heading]' Selector for the heading element
listSelector String 'ul' Selector for the list element
authorHideClass String 'c-author-list__hide' CSS class to hide items from the list when it is truncated
truncatedClass String 'c-author-list--truncated' CSS class to indicate truncated state
listModifierClass String null CSS class to add on initialisation
buttonClassList String null List of CSS classes to style the toggle button
buttonCollapsedText String Show all authors The text the button has when the list is collapsed.
buttonExpandedText String Show fewer authors The text the button has when the list is expanded.
hasButtonIcon Boolean true A boolean indicating if a button icon should be included

The data attribute options are the same, but are lowercase and hyphenated:

  • data-author-list-heading-selector
  • data-author-list-list-selector
  • data-author-list-author-hide-class
  • data-author-list-truncated-class
  • data-author-list-list-modifier-class
  • data-author-list-button-class-list
  • data-author-list-button-collapsed-text
  • data-author-list-button-expanded-text
  • data-author-list-has-button-icon

NOTE: The data attribute options will take precedence over any options set during initialisation. Their names are not configurable and therefore should not be changed.

Heads up!
  • NOTE: It is down to your application to toggle the .js class onto the <html>
    element (check for more in the frontend playbook), if you use the default authorHideClass value.

  • NOTE: The JS component makes use of an SVG image as icon in the toggle button that
    swaps from + to -. It is down to your application to include these + and
    - icons in its SVG sprite. You can find the svg files in the themes of the design system.